IEEE Arcade

Category : FUN
Completion : Feb 2019
Role : Project Leader

At IEEE at UCI we are big fans of arcade fighting games. So when the oppurtunity came up to purchase a old arcade machine at a low price we knew it was time to upgrade to a real arcade machine. The arcade machine needed a lot of work and a complete rehaul of the controls and computer. Through soucring spare sparts from friends I was able to get a decent gaming pc together perfect for emulating games. The controls had to be the best so we splurged for real Sanwa button and joysticks. A template was used to mark the location of the holes for the controller and drilled with a step drill. After all the electronics where in place setting up the software was a simple task. The only thing left to do is add finish the id card reader for students to pay for games. All profits are donated to IEEE UCI.